Teeth Whitening: Is It Safe on Tooth Enamel?

Teeth whitening is considered the most widely performed procedure when achieving a brighter and whiter smile. Teeth whitening is an excellent option for individuals who want cosmetic changes without a hefty price tag or painful procedure. Even when everyone practices excellent oral hygiene, the teeth tend to discolor over time. Many individuals use teeth whitening to maintain a bright white smile throughout their lives. But is it considered safe? 

Many individuals are also concerned about whether teeth whitening tends to damage tooth enamel. This comprehensive guide will first dive into what teeth whitening and enamel are. Then, we will look at whether teeth whitening can affect enamel. We took information from the renowned dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic to make this post informative. It is a famous cosmetic dental clinic that offers the best teeth whitening treatment. So, let’s begin by discussing teeth whitening and tooth enamel in detail. 

What is Teeth Whitening? 

During professional teeth whitening, a gel-filled tray (hydrogen peroxide and bleach) is placed in the mouth for 20-30 minutes, depending on the shade of white one wants to achieve. Moreover, a bright light shines in the mouth to speed up the teeth whitening process. The procedure almost takes an hour to complete. 

What is Enamel? 

Enamel is the hard outer layer of the teeth that protects them from decay and damage. It comprises minerals such as calcium and phosphate that help to keep the teeth strong and healthy. Without enamel, the teeth are susceptible to cavities and other dental problems. Tooth decay and sensitivity are usually signs of weakened enamel. The dentin, which supports the structure of the enamel, is located underneath the enamel layer. The pulp, which contains the tooth’s blood vessels and nerves, is underneath the dentin.

Does Teeth Whitening Affect Enamel? 

Teeth whitening uses peroxide gels that help to break the stains on the teeth and result in brighter teeth. The peroxide penetrates the enamel and oxidizes dark-pigmented stains within the tooth. This procedure bleaches the underlying tooth to a light color. 

The main concern regarding teeth whitening is that certain treatments could include harsh chemicals that, over time, destroy or weaken enamel. These products most often contain hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide, which, in high quantities, can be abrasive. When applied properly, these substances can help eliminate surface stains from the teeth without causing harm to the enamel. However, excessive application or high concentrations may permanently damage the enamel.

The common downside of whitening the teeth is that it can lead to: 

  • Tooth Sensitivity
  • Gum sensitivity 
  • Ineffective results 

Tooth sensitivity often results when peroxide gel demineralizes from the teeth and makes them porous. When the teeth are porous, pour water through a sieve with small openings. 

If your gums come into touch with teeth whitening gel accidentally, patients may experience gum discomfort or inflammation. Whitening strips should only come in contact with the gums when applied properly during a professional whitening procedure. Although gum irritation or ulceration may result from improper application of teeth whitening, these effects are usually reversible.

Interested in getting teeth whitening in Gurgaon? Visit Aspen Dental Clinic and achieve a brighter and shining smile! 

Is Teeth Whitening Considered Safe? 

As long as one uses an ADA-approved whitening product according to specific instructions, one can assume that teeth whitening is safe. It is always best to follow the dental experts’ advice on the type of whitening options to experience no side effects. The common side effects of teeth whitening include temporary gum irritation, which subsides as soon as one stops the whitening process. 

Also, when it comes to teeth whitening, there is no need to worry about damaging the enamel. Teeth whitening is generally safe and causes no damage. Teeth whitening products use ingredients that are safe when used properly. 

Note: It is always advised to consult a renowned dentist before using any teeth whitening product to ensure proper safety. The dental experts will evaluate the teeth and recommend the best teeth whitening product. Always remember teeth whitening is safe and can effectively brighten the smile and boost one’s confidence. 

How Long Does Teeth Whitening Lasts? 

Teeth whitening is not a permanent procedure. The duration of the teeth whitening results varies from patient to patient. Usually, one can expect teeth whitening results to last from a few months up to three years, depending on the type of stains one is trying to remove and the thickness of enamel on the teeth. One can extend the teeth whitening results by avoiding smoking and not drinking coffee, red wine, soda pop, or tea. Moreover, one must drink plenty of water and practice good oral hygiene by brushing their teeth twice daily. 

Final Takeaway 

When it comes to achieving a brighter and shiny smile, several options are available. Some options also carry a risk of damaging the enamel if they are used incorrectly or too often. Teeth whitening is considered an effective option for whitening the teeth, and it does not affect the enamel if teeth whitening products are used. To minimize the risks, it is vital to understand what ingredients are in the products and how they might affect the enamel over time. 

If one plans to whiten their teeth, they can visit Aspen Dental Clinic to get the best teeth whitening in Gurgaon

The dental experts at the clinic specialize in championing a positive approach to dentistry and ensuring that the aim of achieving a brighter smile will materialize perfectly. The clinic has also been designed to make the setting cozy and comfortable for kids and adults, and it offers a premium experience under the supervision of dental experts. 

To avail the benefits of teeth whitening, visit Aspen Dental Clinic today! The procedure is customized for every patient, depending on the results they wish to achieve.

Teeth Whitening: How Can It Enhance Your Smile?

We may all agree that a dull smile is not attractive while socialising. Teeth whitening is typically an efficient, effective, and safe method to improve the appearance of a person’s smile. However, there are additional things to consider such as cost, lifestyle choices, dentist selection, and treatment. Going for professional teeth whitening is an instant solution to a beautiful smile; therefore, everyone wants to whiten their teeth.

A bright, white smile can boost a person’s confidence, boost self-esteem, and increase their willingness to participate in gatherings. Furthermore, this procedure can improve the self-image, movements, and impressions that one makes to others, in addition to brightening their smile.

One of the unfounded myths about teeth whitening is that it affects tooth enamel and enhances sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Various foods that an individual consumes leave stains on their teeth. Professional Teeth Whitening in Gurgaon performed at Aspen Dental can get rid of these unwanted teeth stains. It is only a recognized surface-level cosmetic technique that can help one to get a healthy and whiter smile.

Teeth Whitening- Why Should One Go for It?

Tooth discoloration is a common issue caused by a variety of factors, such as age, nutrition, and poor dental hygiene. While many people live with tooth stains, spots, and imperfections, many choose teeth whitening to obtain their perfect smile.

Everyone desires a gorgeous smile that leaves a lasting impression. Teeth whitening is the most popular treatment for improving one’s smile. This popular cosmetic dentistry procedure is an effortless way to boost confidence and improve the quality of life.

It is also a simple and quick procedure in which dentists use bleaching gels to brighten the appearance of the teeth and remove stains. Tooth whitening is required for discoloured and severely yellowed teeth that cannot be treated at home. This procedure can be performed in the dentist’s chair or at home depending on the preferences of the patient. It is one of the most popular and easy cosmetic dentistry treatments. The procedure also protects the teeth and minimises sensitivity, in addition to giving people a brighter, whiter smile.

Teeth Whitening Procedure

One should visit a trained dentist or dental hygienist for Teeth Whitening in Gurgaon like at Aspen Dental. These professionals have the essential expertise, knowledge, and experience to examine dental health, offer the best whitening procedure for patients’ unique needs, and guarantee the treatment is completed effectively and safely.

A tooth whitening procedure normally takes around 30 minutes. One can easily devote an hour of their day to the procedure. If an individual chooses normal tooth bleaching, the dentist will apply a gel to the teeth for 30–40 minutes before cleaning them off before they leave. The procedure will take three to five sessions, with results visible after two to three sessions.

If an individual chooses laser whitening, they will need fewer sessions to attain the desired result. Depending on whether an individual selects a power whitening procedure or another fast method, they may need just one session to attain the desired results. Laser whitening requires the doctor to place a rubber dam on the gums to cover them from the laser. Then the laser is used to activate a gel which is placed on the teeth.

The specifics of the procedure and the time it takes will be determined by the patient’s personal needs and other factors such as the patient’s dental health, the degree of discoloration, and the type of whitening method they have chosen.

Recovery from teeth whitening is usually simple, but there are a few precautions to take to ensure the best and longest-lasting results.

How Does Teeth Whitening Enhance Your Smile?

  • Whiter teeth make anyone look better.

One might have the healthiest and straightest teeth but still go unnoticed. Dark beverages, such as coffee and tea, leave stains on the teeth over time, which is one of the causes of dull teeth. However, one will notice a significant improvement in their smile immediately following the first whitening treatment, making them appear better and smarter than before. 

  • A good boost to self-confidence.

An individual will not only look better but will also feel better with whiter, dazzling teeth. Their self-esteem will undoubtedly increase, giving them an extra bounce in their step. Whether they are at an important business meeting or just walking down the street, they will find themselves smiling more regularly at anyone who gives them a passing glance.

  • It makes wrinkles less visible.

The focus on the face goes to the teeth when an individual has a whiter smile. People will focus on the lovely smile rather than other aspects of the face, such as wrinkles. So it’s time to stop worrying about insignificant things like wrinkles on the face.

  • Sparkling has become more inexpensive.

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, teeth whitening can have a significant influence on your life without breaking the bank. It is one of the least expensive cosmetic dental procedures. Dentists even offer a home teeth whitening and maintenance kit as an inexpensive booster.

  • It makes people appear healthier and more beautiful.

Even though white teeth aren’t always whiter and can range from creamy to slightly yellowish, people don’t associate them with being healthy. Whiter teeth typically indicate that an individual takes care of themselves and their teeth, which people find quite appealing.

  • One let down their guard more.

It’s natural to feel less cautious in social interactions with other people as one’s confidence increases. People unconsciously smile and laugh more, making them less self-conscious in a conversation. When you are carefree, people will start to appreciate your company.

  • It makes people look friendlier.

A smile makes one appear friendlier. However, a stronger and whiter smile can make people appear much more friendly. With whiter teeth, an individual will begin to smile more, which will tip the emotional scale in their favour whether they are at work or a party. It allows them to prosper in both professional and personal situations. Whiter teeth will make people more optimistic in life.


Aspen Dental is one of the best and top multi-specialty dental clinics in Gurgaon, known for its highly skilled dentists, state-of-the-art technology, and a wide range of dental services. The clinic offers various dental treatments, including tooth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, root canals, emergency dental care, and procedures aimed at saving one’s teeth.

The clinic’s priority is patient care, and ensuring that every patient visiting the clinic feels comfortable and well-informed throughout their dental procedures. If you’re interested in tooth whitening or want to inquire about the Root Canal Treatment Cost in Gurgaon, the experts at Aspen Dental are available to provide you with more information.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any dental problems or to schedule an appointment. Your dental health is our priority.

Read More: What To Do When The Tooth Is Knocked Out

Why Would You Need to See an Orthodontist?

While we are advised to have our teeth checked at least twice a year, many people ignore their oral health. Dentists will clean our teeth, look for signs of damage, and notify us if we have any underlying diseases that require additional care. 

Your dentist might recommend an orthodontist to you, a specialist who treats bite and jaw irregularities. Getting your teeth aligned will not only give you a lovely smile, but it will also help prevent other major concerns. However, many individuals wonder if an orthodontist can provide dental implants. Orthodontists don’t particularly provide dental implants but there are some cases where orthodontic treatments can include dental implants in their treatment plan. Dental implants assist in preventing bone loss when teeth fall out because they cover not only the gap between the teeth but also the empty area in the jaw. 

Moreover, let’s understand when it is time to consult with an orthodontist. This blog, drafted after taking insights from experts of Aspen Dentals such as orthodontists, periodontists, and more, which provides orthodontist treatment as well as an affordable dental implant cost in Gurgaon. This post will help one learn reasons to see an orthodontist. 

Reasons to See an Orthodontist

1. Straightening of the Teeth

The majority of people see an orthodontist to have their teeth straightened. Crooked teeth are not only unsightly, but they can also undermine one’s confidence and self-esteem. This is frequently a simple remedy. There are many different types of braces available nowadays to fit any lifestyle.

2. Tooth Crowding

Some individuals acquire too many teeth in one place in their mouths, resulting in an overcrowded mouth. Overcrowding can lead to additional long-term dental and gum issues since teeth are more difficult to clean in this manner. An orthodontist can handle this condition in a variety of methods, including extraction of one or two teeth and placement of braces.

3. Gaps

Sometimes a person’s teeth develop with gaps between them. Other times, they lose one or two molars and are unable to obtain dentures. Other teeth begin to shift or space out, creating rotting and other physical issues.

4. Bite Problems

Many people have a misaligned bite, often known as malocclusion. Bite problems are classified into four types: overbite, underbite, open bite, and crossbite. Bite issues have an impact on the form of a person’s face. Aside from vanity, it is important to fix them since they can lead to other health problems including grinding, clenching, migraines, and even speech disorders.

Buck teeth are another name for overbites. It occurs when the top front teeth protrude over the lower teeth even while the mouth is closed. An underbite is the inverse. The bulldog appearance is commonly used to describe the animal’s distinguishing facial traits. When you relax your jaw, you may observe that your lower teeth are in front of your upper teeth. 

When you close your mouth, you will see that there is a gap between your teeth rows. The gap might be in front of your teeth or on the sides.

A crossbite is a kind of malocclusion that is often inherited. Some children are born with an upper jaw that is too small, leading teeth to be misaligned with the lower jaw. If left untreated, this can lead to discomfort, arthritis, and significant jaw injury.

5. Imbalance in the Face

Some people have center front teeth that do not line with the center of their bottom front teeth. A misaligned midline puts extra strain on the jaw and can be painful as you become older. 

6. Grinding of the Teeth

Sometimes our upper and lower teeth willfully grind against one other. Teeth grinding can sometimes occur when we sleep, creating aching jaws when we wake up. If one is facing this issue, they should consult the orthodontist right away. However, it’s crucial to note that for many people, seeing an orthodontist is the greatest option for their smile. 

Orthodontic care should not be delayed. There are advanced technologies that orthodontists may utilize to cure your problems quickly and effectively. Moreover, if someone is looking for a skilled orthodontist to consult on any of these issues, they must consider visiting Dr. Ravneet Kaur, the best orthodontist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. Book an appointment with the expert to get the best-suited orthodontist treatment for your concerns.

Read more: Root Canal Treatment: Super Savior Of Decayed And Infected Teeth

Popular Dental Treatments in 2023

Dental care is essential for a healthy and beautiful smile. But due to factors like cavity, misaligned tooth structure, tartar and bleeding gums, etc. many adults and children are experiencing various issues. Foul smell, chewing problems, and sensitivity are some common issues caused by dental problems. However, the good part is that these dental issues are reversible through appropriate dental treatment. To do so, it is essential to learn about treatments.

Regarding this, a guide to popular dental treatments in 2023 has been prepared. Meanwhile insights to create this guide has been taken from experts of various dental care treatments including teeth whitening in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental clinic. So continue reading and learn about the best dental care treatment of 2023.

Latest Dental Treatments

Dental care treatments depending upon one’s requirement basis is classified into two broad categories; medical dentistry and cosmetic/aesthetic dentistry. Below mentioned are the treatment options available in these two categories:

A. Medical Dentistry

In general, medical dentistry is targeted to address the medical conditions related to the teeths. It include sub-categories:

  1. Dental Implant: It is a sophisticated method of restoring missing teeth. In order to act as artificial tooth roots, titanium posts are surgically inserted into the jawbone. These posts offer a sturdy base for mounting realistic artificial teeth, restoring both function and appearance. A durable and realistic-looking replacement for conventional dentures or bridges is dental implants.

2. Gum/Periodontitis Treatment: The goal of periodontal or gum treatment is to preserve healthy gum tissue. It includes techniques like scaling and root planing to get rid of tartar and plaque underneath the gum line. By halting tooth loss and reducing gum disease, this procedure improves oral health in general.

3. Restorative Dentistry: Restorative dentistry aims to repair damaged teeth. It includes treatments such as fillings, crowns, and bridges. These procedures restore the structural integrity of teeth, enhance functionality, and improve appearance while preventing further deterioration.

4. Pulpectomy: A pulpectomy is a root canal procedure performed to treat severe dental infections. It involves removing infected pulp tissue from the tooth’s interior, disinfecting the canal, and sealing it with a filling material. Pulpectomies save teeth from extraction and alleviate pain associated with dental infections.

B. Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentistry: Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of teeth and smiles. These procedures address issues like staining, misalignment, and chipped teeth, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Popular cosmetic treatments include teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding.

  1. Bonding: Dental bonding is a versatile cosmetic procedure. It involves the application of tooth-coloured resin as part of the flexible cosmetic process known as dental bonding to fix chips, fill in gaps, or contour teeth. It offers a low-cost, minimally intrusive method of enhancing the look of teeth.

2. Teeth Whitening: A non-invasive cosmetic procedure to lighten stained or discoloured teeth is teeth whitening. It can be completed in-office or at home with the use of products of the highest calibre, returning a young and lively smile.

3. Veneers: Thin porcelain shells that are manufactured to fit the front of teeth are known as veneers. They can alter the look of teeth by hiding flaws like stains, alignment issues, or irregular shape, resulting in a beautiful smile.

4. Gingival/Gum Plastic Surgery: The goal of gum plastic surgery is to enhance the gum tissue’s appearance. Particularly for people with excessive gum exposure or irregular gum lines, procedures like gum contouring can restructure the gums to create a more balanced and attractive smile.

In addition to above mentioned medical and cosmetic dentistry, orthodontist treatments are also in trend for treating misaligned teeth. Some of the popular braces to treat damaged tooth structure are as given below:

  1. Clear Braces: A discrete orthodontic alternative for straightening teeth is clear braces. They perform similarly to conventional metal braces but use less obvious transparent or tooth-coloured brackets and wires. This makes them a popular option for people who want a less noticeable procedure that nevertheless produces good teeth straightening outcomes.

For adults and teenagers who are concerned about the visual impact of braces, clear braces are very advantageous. They have a discreet appearance that mixes in with the teeth’s natural colour and give the benefits of traditional braces, like accurate tooth movement.

2. Invisalign Braces: Orthodontic treatment has undergone a revolution with the introduction of Invisalign braces. Invisalign uses a series of transparent, removable aligners constructed from a pleasant plastic material in place of conventional brackets and wires. The teeth are gradually moved into the desired position by these aligners.

The practically undetectable appearance of Invisalign is one of its main benefits, making it the perfect alternative for people looking for a highly discrete treatment solution. As an added convenience during treatment, Invisalign aligners are simple to take out for eating and oral hygiene.

3. Ceramic Braces: Similar to typical metal braces, ceramic braces use tooth-colored or translucent wires and brackets to make them less noticeable. They have a more aesthetically pleasing design and provide the same durability and effectiveness as metal braces.

People who need more intricate orthodontic adjustments but still want a discrete treatment option frequently choose for ceramic braces. Nevertheless, if not properly cared for, they could be a little bit more prone to discoloration, therefore good dental hygiene is crucial.

4. Metal Braces: Metal braces are the most traditional and widely recognized orthodontic option. They consist of metal brackets affixed to each tooth and connected by metal wires. Metal braces are exceptionally effective at correcting a wide range of dental misalignments, making them suitable for various orthodontic cases, from mild to severe.

They are also typically the most cost-effective option. While they are highly visible, some people embrace the opportunity to customise their metal braces with colourful bands for a more personalised appearance. Advances in metal braces have made them smaller and more comfortable than ever before, reducing potential discomfort during treatment.

Hope this guide has provided adequate information on the latest dental treatments. If something is uncovered, you are advised to visit a dentist. To find one in Delhi NCR you may visit Aspen Dental clinic. It is a leading dental care clinic highly considered for braces to dental implant and in-budget root canal treatment cost in Gurgaon. Do visit the clinic.

More Read: Root Canal Treatment: What No One Tells You!

What Are The Benefits Of Dental Implants In The Long Run?

Dental implants are a popular and successful tooth replacement option for dentists in India. While dental implants have a few negatives, they also provide a plethora of advantages, many of which other tooth replacement solutions cannot provide at all.

To know the Dental Implant Cost in Gurgaon, one can visit Aspen Dental. Here are some of the unique benefits of dental implants if one has lost one or more teeth.

Dental implants are extremely adaptable.

Bridges, partial dentures, and complete dentures are all restricted in the number of teeth they may replace. As a result, depending on how many teeth one has lost, the treatment options may be restricted. Implants, on the other hand, are extremely adaptable treatments. They can be fitted with a crown to replace one tooth, a bridge or partial denture to replace several teeth or complete dentures to replace all of the teeth. This allows the dentist to create the best treatment plan.

They’re more at ease.

Dental implants are placed directly into the jawbone to replicate a tooth’s root and provide enhanced strength and support for the prosthesis. During the healing process, the jawbone develops around the titanium rod in the jaw, firmly retaining it in place. This added stability makes implants seem so natural that you may forget they’re there. Other techniques of tooth replacement simply cannot replicate the sensation of dental roots; therefore, they do not feel as secure or natural as implants.

The difference in comfort between implant-supported dentures and regular dentures is most likely the most noticeable. Implants secure the denture in place, removing the pain of loose dentures and the need to deal with dirty denture adhesives. These are some of the advantages of dental implants that persuade many people to opt for implants rather than dentures.

Implants make it simpler to communicate.

Because our teeth play a vital role in forming specific sounds, losing a few critical teeth at the front of the mouth might cause a surprising shift in speech. Similarly, loose dentures might cause a slur or lisp when someone talks. This may be both unpleasant and irritating since they are constantly concerned about whether the dentures will slip or how the voice will sound.

Both of these difficulties can be resolved with implants. If someone has a gap between the teeth, implants give a surface for the tongue to rest against when forming words, making speaking considerably simpler right away. Furthermore, implant-supported dentures are kept firmly in place in the mouth by multiple deeply embedded implants, preventing them from slipping or sliding about. As a result, one of the benefits of dental implants is the ability to communicate clearly and confidently.

They enable you to consume your favorite meals.

If someone is missing a few molars, they are probably aware of how big of a difference a few missing teeth can make in their ability to chew certain meals smoothly. Implants bridge that gap, making it possible to eat again. Furthermore, because implants are permanently implanted in the jawbone, implant-supported dentures do not have the same food limitations as regular dentures. One may continue to eat their favorite chewy or crunchy foods—even corn on the cob is still on the menu! One will also never have to worry about the dentures slipping as someone eats, so one may eat whatever one wants in public without feeling embarrassed.

Implants appear natural.

Thanks to advancements in materials and technology, dental implants now look as natural as they feel.  The prostheses are custom-made, ensuring that the smile appears as good as it feels. If one has healthy natural teeth, the prosthetic tooth will blend in nicely. Dentures, too, appear remarkably lifelike, with acrylic gums that match the color of the genuine gums. No one will be able to tell which of the teeth are real and which are not if one uses crowns, bridges, or dentures on the implants.

They can help you boost your self-esteem.

If someone has a gap in their grin, one is surely aware of how self-conscious it may make them. It’s easy to get caught up in what other people think of the gap or to be concerned about how it may affect speaking. Implants can provide one with a grin that looks and feels natural, allowing one to talk and smile confidently. One may just enjoy it without giving the teeth a second thought.

They benefit your oral health.

Although receiving a dental implant may appear to be an intrusive and frightening procedure, many dentists regard implants as a more conservative treatment option for lost teeth. This is due to the fact that implants have no negative impact on the existing teeth. Implants are supported in the same manner as natural teeth: directly in the jaw. Bridges, on the other hand, are held together by crowns that are put on the healthy teeth next to the gap in the smile. Dental treatment on otherwise healthy teeth is never advised since it might weaken them. Leaving healthy teeth alone will assist one in maintaining oral health for many years.

Implants are durable

Dental implants are extremely long-lasting. The implant will last a lifetime if one practices good dental hygiene, but wear and tear will require replacing the crown on the implant every 15 years or so. The complete bridge, on the other hand, will need to be replaced every five to fifteen years, depending on how well-maintained it is. Dentures must be changed every five to eight years, and they must be adjusted regularly due to bone loss in the jaw. Because implants do not require revisions, their longevity saves money in the long term. They are really convenient after the implant is in place.

If someone has lost one or more teeth, contemporary dentistry offers a plethora of excellent tooth replacement choices. Dental implants, on the other hand, are one of the best treatments available if you’re a suitable candidate; they’re adaptable, resilient, and function to restore the teeth while maintaining short- and long-term oral health. They become a permanent part of the smile when properly cared for, keeping it healthy and beautiful for a lifetime.

To learn more about dental implants, you may visit the Aspen Dental Clinic; they have the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon.

Read More: Root Canal Treatment: What No One Tells You!

Who can go for a teeth whitening procedure?

Teeth whitening techniques are typically safe and successful for many people, but before undertaking any dental treatment, it is critical to speak with a dentist or dental specialist. They may evaluate dental health, detect any possible problems, and establish whether one is a good candidate for teeth whitening.

In this blog, we will learn about the ideal candidates for teeth whitening. The insights used to draft this blog have been shared by a renowned dentist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic. Keep reading to learn more.

Teeth whitening techniques are usually indicated for those who have:

  1. Healthy teeth and gums: If one has good oral health and doesn’t have any current cavities, gum disease, or other major dental disorders, they are more likely to be a candidate for teeth whitening.
  1. Yellow or stained teeth: Teeth that have grown discolored owing to reasons such as aging, smoking, or drinking staining drinks (e.g., coffee, tea, or red wine) might benefit from teeth whitening.
  1. No dental restorations on front teeth: Natural tooth enamel is the primary target of teeth whitening procedures. If one has dental crowns, veneers, or fillings on their front teeth, the color of these restorations will not alter during the whitening procedure, resulting in an uneven look.
  1. Realistic expectations: When it comes to teeth whitening, it’s critical to have realistic expectations. While it can considerably brighten the color of the teeth. Teeth whitening is not appropriate for everyone. People suffering from the following conditions may be ineligible for this treatment:
  1. Severe tooth sensitivity: Teeth whitening can occasionally cause temporary sensitivity; however, if one already has extreme sensitivity, the dentist may advise against the treatment.
  1. Whitening agent allergies: Some people are sensitive or allergic to the substances used in tooth whitening treatments.
  1. Pregnant or lactating women: Because the safety of teeth whitening during pregnancy or breastfeeding has not been well researched, it is usually advised to avoid it during this period.
  1. Underage individuals: Teeth whitening is typically not advised for youngsters under the age of 16, as their teeth are still growing. Before undergoing any tooth whitening treatment or utilizing over-the-counter whitening solutions, always speak with the dentist. They will assist in determining the best treatment option for the unique dental issue.

Teeth Whitening Procedure

The technique for teeth whitening might vary depending on the method used, but the fundamental procedures involved in professional teeth whitening are done at a dentist’s practice. Keep in mind that specifics may vary depending on the dentist’s preferences and the type of whitening technique employed.

  1. Dental Examine: Before beginning the teeth whitening treatment, the dentist will do a complete evaluation of the patient’s dental health to determine if they are a good candidate for teeth whitening. Before starting, they will look for cavities, gum disease, and any other dental disorders that may need to be treated.
  1. Shade Assessment: Using a shade guide, the dentist will assess the present shade of the teeth. This aids in precisely comparing before and after results.
  1. Teeth Cleaning: Professional dental cleanings are often conducted to remove plaque, tartar, and surface stains from the teeth. Cleaning the teeth before whitening helps the whitening ingredients work more effectively.
  1. Isolation and protection: The dentist will protect the gums and delicate tissues by wrapping a barrier over the teeth, such as a dental dam or a protective gel. This keeps the whitening chemical away from the gums and reduces the possibility of irritation.
  1. Whitening Agent Application: The whitening agent will be applied to the teeth by the dentist. The active element in the agent is commonly hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide. Some whitening methods may include the use of a specific light or laser to activate the whitening gel and increase its efficiency.
  1. Waiting Period: Depending on the method utilized and the desired results, the whitening agent is kept on the teeth for a set amount of time, which can range from 15 minutes to an hour.
  1. Rinse and Evaluate: After the waiting period, the dentist will rinse out the whitening gel, and one will be able to view the preliminary effects. Multiple whitening treatments may be necessary in some circumstances to attain the desired level of whiteness.
  1. Post-treatment care: It is important to avoid ingesting items that might discolor the teeth during the first 24-48 hours following teeth whitening. Coffee, tea, red wine, dark-colored drinks, berries, tomato sauce, and tobacco products are all examples. Maintain consistent and thorough oral hygiene practices, such as brushing the teeth at least twice a day and flossing every day. Oral hygiene is important for preventing new stains and maintaining general oral health. Tobacco use not only stains teeth but also poses major threats to oral and general health. Tobacco cessation or reduction will help preserve the benefits of teeth whitening and promote improved oral health.

When compared to over-the-counter whitening treatments, professional teeth whitening performed at a dentist’s clinic is often safer and produces more predictable results. To protect the health of the teeth and maintain the whitening effects over time, it’s important to follow the dentist’s recommendations and attend frequent dental check-ups. 

To know more about Teeth Whitening in Gurgaon, one can visit the Aspen Dental Clinic.

Read More: Teeth Bleaching: Myth V/S Fact

Dental Implants- Why Are They Popular?

What Are Dental Implants?

Dental implants are artificial replacement teeth that are placed in the jawbone. Titanium cylinders are surgically placed below the gums to act as mounts and maintain the replacement teeth in place.

The treatment must be performed by an expert dental implant surgeon in a facility equipped with the necessary dental equipment. This reduces health hazards and assures your safety.

What Are the Different Types of Dental Implants?

There are three major types of dental implants that are intended for various circumstances and oral conditions:

  • Endosteal Implants – The most basic and safest type of dental implant. However, for the implant fixture or post to effectively fuse, a structurally healthy jawbone is required.
  • Subperiosteal Implants – These are specifically created for people who do not have adequate bone in the jawline area. Unlike endosteal implants, it does not need major surgery.
  • Zygomatic Implants – This is the most complicated form of a dental implant. These are secured to the cheekbone rather than the upper jaw.

Reasons why Dental Implants are So Popular These Days

1. Provides a Natural Appearance and a Comfortable Fit.

Loss of tooth can affect one capacity to converse, speak, and smile bravely in public. So, what may be the solution to smile confidently? 

If you, too, find it difficult to talk and grin openly in public, here’s a solution at Aspen Dental! 

With the successful surgeries of dental implants, many dental patients may restore their confidence to talk and smile freely. Also the Dental Implant Cost in Gurgaon, is cost effective in long run as the procedure offers permanent results. At Aspen Dental Clinic a team of expert dentists and surgeons offers this amazing treatment for smile restoration and in this guide the Aspen Dental dentists have shared why dental implants are becoming popular among people for dental or smile restoration.

Dental implants have risen in popularity over the years because they have given dental patients the confidence to smile, talk, and laugh in public without fear of being judged by their teeth. These tooth implants are painstakingly designed to appear, function, and feel exactly like your natural teeth. As a result, you may laugh and speak freely in public without worrying about your dentures coming out or looking bad.

2. Implants Are Durable and Can Last a Lifetime

Teeth replacement methods, like dental bridges, can last just around ten years before needing to be updated. Dentures have a shorter lifespan, lasting between 5 and 7 years depending on usage and upkeep.

Implants, on the other hand, offer an advantage in terms of durability. Dental implants are long-lasting and seldom require replacement if properly maintained.

These are the benefits of dental implants over alternative prosthetic treatments, and why you should consider them as a treatment option:

  • The fixings or posts put into the jawbone, as well as the screws on the crown, are composed of titanium, one of the most durable metals.
  • The crown or prosthetic tooth is composed of robust materials such as metal, metal fused porcelain, or all-ceramic, making it very resistant to damage caused by food, germs, and acidic chemicals.
  • Proper dental care can increase the lifespan of the prosthesis and make it last a lifetime.

3. Reasonable Price 

Many dentists provide exorbitant dental implant packages that are far too expensive for the ordinary person’s budget. However, Aspen Dental Clinic provides dental implants within your budget, allowing you to acquire a dental implant without any worries! 

The success rate of dental implants in Gurgaon is increasing as technology develops. People who are in good health have the highest chances of getting successful implants.

Dental implants, on the other hand, have long-term advantages. As a result, dental implants are always preferred to alternative choices for tooth replacement. 

4. Improve your Chewing Skills 

Dental implants are attached to the jaw bone with the aid of a professional dentist and look to be natural teeth. Tooth implants, after a few weeks, will assist to preserve the jaw bone while also substantially lowering bone resorption. 

After having your misaligned teeth fixed, you will be able to chew and bite your food more effortlessly, and you will be able to speak and smile more confidently in front of people. Eating becomes more pleasant and natural because of the natural sensation of dental implants.

5. Enhance your Overall Bone and Face Traits

Dental implants help to retain natural tooth tissue. Conventional bridgework does not need the reduction of neighboring teeth. It also assists in bone maintenance and significantly reduces bone resorption. As a result, the loss in jaw bone height has deteriorated. 

It also assists in the repair of the overall health of your jaw bone structure. Dental implants assist to preserve natural tooth tissue by minimizing stress on the remaining bone structure. It assists in the decrease of bone resorption.

Benefits of Getting Dental Implants 

After reading about the reasons why dental implants are popular, you may be wondering about the advantages of receiving a dental implant. 

This is why- dental implants not only appear like your natural teeth, but they also function like them. And also having the potential to endure a lifetime. These implants also aid in the prevention of bone loss. 

Dental implants can help reduce face drooping and early tooth aging. Implants are always designed to provide you with a cheap dental implant that fits within your budget. 

As a result of the previously described benefits, dental implants will undoubtedly be worth the time and money you put into them. 

The dentists at Aspen Dental also offer other advanced cosmetic, restorative and orthodontic treatments. 

If you are looking for the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon, visit Aspen Dental Clinic and get a consultation with our experts for all oral health issues. 

How Teeth Whitening Help To Achieve Good Oral Health

Teeth whitening is a cosmetic dentistry procedure that seeks to brighten the color of natural teeth. Teeth can get stained or discolored over time as a result of a variety of circumstances, and teeth whitening procedures are aimed to address this issue and improve the appearance of the smile. Teeth Whitening in Gurgaon is provided at Aspen Dental Clinic.

Common reasons for tooth discoloration include:

Food and beverage stains: Certain meals and beverages, such as coffee, tea, red wine, and dark-colored berries, can leave stains on the surface of the teeth.

Tobacco use: Smoking or chewing tobacco products can cause yellowish or brownish stains on the teeth.

Aging: Aging causes the outer layer of tooth enamel to wear away, exposing the naturally yellowish dentin beneath.

Inadequate dental hygiene: Inadequate brushing and flossing can lead to plaque and tartar buildup, which can cause teeth to seem yellow or dull.

Trauma: When a tooth is injured, it may darken or discolor over time.

Bleaching compounds are commonly used in teeth whitening procedures to eliminate or decrease stains and discoloration. There are various ways for whitening teeth, including:

In-clinic whitening: A dentist performs this skilled technique. It entails applying a high-concentration bleaching gel to the teeth and activating it with a specific light or laser. Typically, in-clinic whitening procedures produce instant effects.

At-home whitening: Dentists can also give custom-made trays and bleaching gels for patients to use at home. These kits include a lesser concentration of bleaching chemicals than in-clinic treatments and require wearing the trays for a set period every day for a week or two.

Over-the-counter whitening products: These treatments include whitening strips, toothpaste, gels, and rinses. Although less effective than expert treatments, these items can nonetheless aid with minor discoloration.

The procedure of Teeth Whitening

The teeth whitening technique utilized by dentists might differ based on the exact treatment approach and the dental clinic’s practices. A standard in-office teeth whitening technique, on the other hand, consists of the following steps:

  • Before beginning any teeth whitening procedure, the dentist will undertake a full evaluation of the teeth and oral health. Before whitening, they will examine for cavities, gum disease, and any other dental conditions that need to be treated.
  • The dentist will clean the teeth if necessary to eliminate plaque, tartar, or surface stains. This procedure guarantees that the whitening gel has a good grip on the tooth surfaces.
  • To protect the gums and delicate tissues from the whitening gel, the dentist will cover the gums with a protective barrier or a rubber shield, leaving only the teeth exposed.
  • The dentist will immediately apply a professional-grade bleaching gel containing hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to the surfaces of the teeth. This gel is precisely designed to dissolve and remove stains and discolorations.
  • In rare circumstances, the dentist may activate the whitening gel using a specific light or laser. The light or laser speeds up the bleaching process and can improve the outcomes.
  • The dentist will continuously monitor the success of the whitening procedure, routinely evaluating the color of your teeth. Depending on the type of product used and the desired amount of whitening, the length of the gel application may vary.
  • After achieving the desired level of whitening or completing the treatment period, the dentist will thoroughly rinse off the whitening gel to remove any residue.
  • Following the operation, the dentist will analyze the outcomes and compare the before-and-after shade of the teeth. They will also provide aftercare recommendations to assist to preserve the whitening results and minimize discoloration in the days after the procedure.

It’s important to note that in-office teeth whitening performed by a dentist usually results in faster and more obvious effects than at-home treatments. In addition, the dentist may personalize the therapy to the exact requirements, providing a safe and successful operation.

If someone is thinking about getting their teeth whitened, one should visit the Aspen dental clinic to decide the best whitening solution and to make sure their dental health is in good shape.

Benefits of teeth whitening treatment 

Individuals who opt to undergo teeth whitening can reap a variety of benefits, both aesthetic and psychological. Here are some of the main advantages:

  • The most evident advantage of teeth whitening is a better-looking grin. Whitening can help eliminate stains and discolorations from the teeth, making them seem brighter, whiter, and more appealing.
  • A brighter grin might help you feel more confident. When you are more confident in your teeth, you are more inclined to grin freely and feel better about yourself in social and professional situations.
  • Teeth darken with age, and teeth whitening can help reverse the effects of aging on your smile. A whiter grin may make you look younger and more lively.
  • Teeth whitening is a non-invasive cosmetic dental procedure. It does not need any drilling or alterations to the tooth structure, making it a reasonably simple and painless process.
  • Because in-office teeth whitening may typically provide obvious effects in only one session, it is an appealing alternative for people looking for rapid results.
  • Dentists can customize tooth whitening procedures to individual needs and desired goals. They can tailor the whitening gel concentration and treatment time to the patient’s preferences.
  • Teeth whitening is often less expensive than other cosmetic dental procedures such as veneers or crowns, making it more accessible to a wider spectrum of people.
  • Teeth whitening is a safe and effective technique when performed by a trained dentist. Dentists take steps to preserve your gums and to guarantee that the treatment is suitable for your dental health.
  • A bright, confident grin may provide a good first impression. A bright grin may make a lasting impression in any situation, whether it’s a job interview, a social event, or a love scenario.
  • After investing in teeth whitening, many people are more driven to maintain good oral hygiene habits to preserve the effects and keep their teeth looking their best.

Despite these advantages, it is important to realize that teeth whitening is not for everyone. Individuals with sensitive teeth or certain dental issues should check with their dentist before having any whitening process to verify it is safe and appropriate for their requirements.

We provide all oral health treatments, they have a team of expert orthodontist who provides Root Canal Treatment also. If someone would want to know the Root Canal Treatment Cost in Gurgaon, must visit Aspen Dental Clinic.

Book an appointment now. 

Reasons for the Popularity of Dental Implants

In terms of look, feel, and function, dental implants are the next best thing to real teeth, allowing a confident smile. Furthermore, dental implants cost in Gurgaon are more effective in the long run than standard tooth replacement treatments.

Dental implants are helpful for a variety of reasons, including:

  1. Dental implants are a very efficient and long-lasting alternative for restoring lost teeth. They serve as a solid basis for dental restorations, including crowns, bridges, and dentures. Implants can restore missing teeth’s natural appearance and function, allowing people to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.
  1. Dental implants, unlike typical dental bridges, do not rely on surrounding teeth for support. This implies that no healthy adjacent teeth must be changed or impaired to allow the restoration. Preserving natural teeth can contribute to better long-term dental health.
  1. Stability and usefulness are improved because dental implants are securely fixed in the jawbone, giving stability and strength equivalent to natural teeth. Implants, as opposed to removable dentures, offer better chewing efficiency and speaking clarity. Individuals who lack teeth might greatly benefit from this stability and usefulness.
  1. Dental implants have the potential to last a lifetime if properly cared for and maintained. The implants are made of biocompatible materials, most frequently titanium, and osseointegrate with the jawbone over time. This fusion forms a strong link between the implant and the bone, resulting in a long-lasting and secure replacement.
  1. When a tooth is extracted, the underlying jawbone begins to degenerate due to a lack of stimulation. Dental implants stimulate the jawbone and prevent bone loss by mimicking the natural tooth root. This bone health maintenance helps to preserve facial structure and eliminate the sunken look that can result from losing teeth.
  1. In terms of look, color, form, and function, dental implants are designed to closely mimic natural teeth. They can improve facial attractiveness and promote self-confidence by restoring a person’s grin. Implants alleviate the self-consciousness that is typically associated with missing teeth, helping people feel more at ease and safe in social and professional situations.

Who is an ideal candidate? 

An optimal candidate for dental implants usually satisfies specific parameters that contribute to the implant’s success and lifespan. While it is ultimately up to a dental expert to decide candidature, the following characteristics are often taken into account:

  • Sufficient jawbone density: A specific amount of healthy jawbone density is necessary for dental implants to remain in place. If the jawbone is excessively thin or lacks enough density, a bone grafting treatment may be required before implantation.
  • Oral health: The candidate should practice excellent oral hygiene and be free of gum disease, tooth decay, and other oral illnesses. To lessen the chance of implant failure, these diseases must be addressed and treated before implantation.
  • Overall health and healing ability: The applicant should be in excellent overall health since some medical problems or drugs may interfere with the healing process. Uncontrolled diabetes, immunological diseases, and excessive smoking can all have an impact on the outcome of dental implants.
  • Age: Dental implants are appropriate for people of all ages. However, it is normally advised to wait until the jawbone has finished developing before proceeding. Adolescents and young adults may need to wait until their jawbone development is complete before having implants placed.
  • Oral hygiene commitment: Maintaining good oral hygiene is critical for the long-term success of dental implants. To guarantee the health of the implant and surrounding tissues, the applicant should be dedicated to frequent brushing, flossing, and dental check-ups.
  • No habits that can affect implant success: There are no behaviors that might jeopardize implant success. Certain behaviors, including teeth grinding (bruxism) or applying too much stress to the teeth, might raise the risk of implant issues. Candidates with these tendencies may need to address them before undergoing dental implant therapy.

What is the procedure for dental implants?

The dental implant technique normally consists of numerous steps that vary based on the specific scenario.

Consultation: The initial consultation will be with a dentist or orthodontist who specializes in implant dentistry. To establish if one is a good candidate for dental implants, one will assess oral health, jawbone structure, and medical history.

Treatment planning: If someone is determined to be a candidate for dental implants, a detailed treatment plan will be developed. This plan specifies the number of implants necessary, the kind of implant, and any further operations, such as bone grafting or tooth extractions, that may be required.

Implant placement: The dental implant is implanted into the jawbone during the first surgical surgery. The dentist or oral surgeon will make an incision in the gum tissue to expose the underlying bone before drilling a hole or socket in the bone to place the implant. The implant, which resembles a little screw, is often composed of biocompatible titanium. After the implant has been placed, the gum tissue is sutured back into place, hiding it.

Osseointegration: Over the next several weeks or months, a process known as osseointegration takes place. During this time, the bone tissue fuses with the implant’s surface, providing a secure foundation for the replacement tooth. During this healing period, you may be given a temporary crown or bridge.

Abutment placement: After osseointegration is complete, a second small procedure is conducted to connect an abutment to the implant. The abutment connects the implant to the replacement tooth. This surgery entails reopening the gum to reveal the implant and then inserting the abutment on top. After that, the gum tissue is sutured around the abutment, which protrudes over the gum line.

Impression and fabrication of the prosthesis: After the gum tissue has healed, imprints of the mouth are taken to produce a custom-made dental crown, bridge, or denture that will function as the visible component of the replacement tooth or teeth. This prosthesis is meant to match the color, shape, and size of the natural teeth for a natural look.

Prosthesis attachment: After the dental prosthesis has been completed, it is fastened to the abutment. The dentist will check for optimal fit, appearance, and bite alignment. Depending on the kind of restoration, the prosthesis may be permanently attached or fastened with screws or dental cement.

After the dental implant operation is completed, frequent follow-up appointments will be planned to monitor the healing process and examine the function and look of the implant-supported teeth. Maintaining proper oral hygiene, which includes brushing, flossing, and professional cleanings regularly, is critical to the long-term success of dental implants.

For more details about dental implants, one can visit the Aspen Dental Clinic, they have the Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon

Book an appointment now.

Clear Braces-How Can They Make Your Smile Better?

Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon

Clear or ceramic braces are similar to typical metal braces but should be less noticeable. Brackets are translucent or tooth-colored material that blends in with the natural teeth. Ceramic or clear braces are made of ceramic alloys and are one of the best solutions for individuals looking for a modest approach to straightening their teeth.

Ceramic braces in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental are popular with people of all ages and backgrounds, but they are especially popular with professional dentists who are always on the go.

They prefer to realign their teeth discreetly so they can smile freely without being concerned about how they appear in photographs.

Are ceramic or clear braces hard to maintain?

Many people have concerns about the staining possibilities associated with clear ceramic braces. The beneficial aspect is that the brackets will not become stained. On the other hand, the clear bands that link the archwire to the frames are more susceptible to discoloration.

As these bands are replaced every few weeks, patients can have them replaced at their next appointment if they become stained.

Avoid dark and colored foods and drinks, such as dark soda, coffee, curry, and spaghetti sauce, to avoid staining the transparent bands. While eating, patients should clean their mouths with water or mouthwash for removing any food particles that could cause staining.

Ceramic clear braces should be stain-free if adequately cared for.

Are ceramic or clear braces the right choice for me?

In this blog Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental will discuss who can get clear braces treatment.

Ceramic braces have the same structure as metal braces, but the brackets are tooth-colored porcelain or clear, and the wire is either metal or tooth-colored for a more seamless appearance.

Ceramic braces are the best alternative for people who want the benefits of traditional braces but prefer a more discrete appearance.

They are also an ideal option for people who aren’t eligible for Invisalign but prefer a less visible teeth straightening solution. Adults will benefit the most from this treatment, as most adults avoid having their teeth straightened due to the unsightly appearance of metal braces. Ceramic braces, on the other hand, appear precisely like regular teeth and are entirely invisible from a distance.

Ceramic braces can help treat overbite difficulties, crowded teeth, and crooked teeth; however, they are inappropriate for specific misalignment situations or complex bite disorders. Ceramic braces are sturdier than metal braces and require more treatment time. In terms of cost, transparent braces are slightly more expensive than metal braces, while ceramic braces are roughly the same as Invisalign braces.

Benefits of Clear Braces

1. Invisibility

The most evident benefit of ceramic braces is their near-invisibility to others. They are unobtrusive because they are made of transparent, see-through, translucent material, making them practically invisible. They also have smaller brackets than standard metal brackets and can use colored wires to tension them.

As they are colored wires, they are incredibly discreet, and no one will notice if a person is wearing braces if they do not want them to. Adults find the braces intriguing because they can wear them to their offices and workplaces without awareness.

Many professionals like this aspect of braces since they do not want to be self-conscious about their smiles, as with traditional braces.

2. Strength

Ceramics may appear delicate because people have always treated them with care. However, when it comes to dental braces, ceramic braces are just as durable as metal braces because many features were considered while designing them with a variety of age groups in mind.

Although they are smaller and occupy less space on the front of the tooth, the ceramic used in the brackets is fine-grained, making it resistant to damage and function well during the treatment. The irritation is also reduced due to its revolutionary design, in which bracket corners are rounded off and smooth, preventing delicate tissues from being impacted.

3. Ceramic braces have no demineralization

The ceramic brackets are bonded to the teeth with a strong bonding agent, but extreme care has been taken to ensure that when the brackets are removed, the bond does not demineralize the teeth and that the teeth do not affect where the brackets were attached.

One of the negative effects of orthodontic treatment with metal braces is tooth demineralization. As because of the demineralization process between the enamel and the metal, metal brackets color the enamel. However, ceramic brackets cause the fewest changes in the tooth’s outermost layer.

4. Simple removal

When ceramic braces are removed after treatment, the teeth are not discolored, and the removal process is more accessible than traditional braces. Traditional braces’ bonding material has been replaced by improved bonding material that may be removed without hurting the tooth enamel.

When the bonding material used with metal brackets was released at the end of the treatment, it took a layer of enamel with it. The bonding substance used in ceramic brackets has been thoroughly investigated and standardized to have a negligible negative impact on tooth enamel. At all times, the bonding of brackets to teeth is protected by using high-grade bonding substances.

5. Comfort

Clear Braces in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental are more comfortable than typical metal braces because they include thinner brackets that practically cover the entire tooth’s front surface. Ceramic feels better in the mouth than conventional braces because the metallic color and feel are distinctive, like natural teeth and dental enamel.

6. Less likely to stain

Ceramic braces do not stain as quickly as their clear plastic predecessors. These are high-quality, well-designed mounts designed to maintain their appearance throughout treatment. It has been taken care of to treat them so that they do not stain themselves when eating or drinking anything. Do consult the orthodontist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental to learn more on this amazing teeth straightening treatment. Visit the clinic to learn more about the effective ways to align or straighten the teeth and learn more on the guide to correct the teeth to get them to the corrected position.