Teeth Whitening: How Can It Enhance Your Smile?

We may all agree that a dull smile is not attractive while socialising. Teeth whitening is typically an efficient, effective, and safe method to improve the appearance of a person’s smile. However, there are additional things to consider such as cost, lifestyle choices, dentist selection, and treatment. Going for professional teeth whitening is an instant solution to a beautiful smile; therefore, everyone wants to whiten their teeth.

A bright, white smile can boost a person’s confidence, boost self-esteem, and increase their willingness to participate in gatherings. Furthermore, this procedure can improve the self-image, movements, and impressions that one makes to others, in addition to brightening their smile.

One of the unfounded myths about teeth whitening is that it affects tooth enamel and enhances sensitivity to hot and cold foods. Various foods that an individual consumes leave stains on their teeth. Professional Teeth Whitening in Gurgaon performed at Aspen Dental can get rid of these unwanted teeth stains. It is only a recognized surface-level cosmetic technique that can help one to get a healthy and whiter smile.

Teeth Whitening- Why Should One Go for It?

Tooth discoloration is a common issue caused by a variety of factors, such as age, nutrition, and poor dental hygiene. While many people live with tooth stains, spots, and imperfections, many choose teeth whitening to obtain their perfect smile.

Everyone desires a gorgeous smile that leaves a lasting impression. Teeth whitening is the most popular treatment for improving one’s smile. This popular cosmetic dentistry procedure is an effortless way to boost confidence and improve the quality of life.

It is also a simple and quick procedure in which dentists use bleaching gels to brighten the appearance of the teeth and remove stains. Tooth whitening is required for discoloured and severely yellowed teeth that cannot be treated at home. This procedure can be performed in the dentist’s chair or at home depending on the preferences of the patient. It is one of the most popular and easy cosmetic dentistry treatments. The procedure also protects the teeth and minimises sensitivity, in addition to giving people a brighter, whiter smile.

Teeth Whitening Procedure

One should visit a trained dentist or dental hygienist for Teeth Whitening in Gurgaon like at Aspen Dental. These professionals have the essential expertise, knowledge, and experience to examine dental health, offer the best whitening procedure for patients’ unique needs, and guarantee the treatment is completed effectively and safely.

A tooth whitening procedure normally takes around 30 minutes. One can easily devote an hour of their day to the procedure. If an individual chooses normal tooth bleaching, the dentist will apply a gel to the teeth for 30–40 minutes before cleaning them off before they leave. The procedure will take three to five sessions, with results visible after two to three sessions.

If an individual chooses laser whitening, they will need fewer sessions to attain the desired result. Depending on whether an individual selects a power whitening procedure or another fast method, they may need just one session to attain the desired results. Laser whitening requires the doctor to place a rubber dam on the gums to cover them from the laser. Then the laser is used to activate a gel which is placed on the teeth.

The specifics of the procedure and the time it takes will be determined by the patient’s personal needs and other factors such as the patient’s dental health, the degree of discoloration, and the type of whitening method they have chosen.

Recovery from teeth whitening is usually simple, but there are a few precautions to take to ensure the best and longest-lasting results.

How Does Teeth Whitening Enhance Your Smile?

  • Whiter teeth make anyone look better.

One might have the healthiest and straightest teeth but still go unnoticed. Dark beverages, such as coffee and tea, leave stains on the teeth over time, which is one of the causes of dull teeth. However, one will notice a significant improvement in their smile immediately following the first whitening treatment, making them appear better and smarter than before. 

  • A good boost to self-confidence.

An individual will not only look better but will also feel better with whiter, dazzling teeth. Their self-esteem will undoubtedly increase, giving them an extra bounce in their step. Whether they are at an important business meeting or just walking down the street, they will find themselves smiling more regularly at anyone who gives them a passing glance.

  • It makes wrinkles less visible.

The focus on the face goes to the teeth when an individual has a whiter smile. People will focus on the lovely smile rather than other aspects of the face, such as wrinkles. So it’s time to stop worrying about insignificant things like wrinkles on the face.

  • Sparkling has become more inexpensive.

Unlike other cosmetic procedures, teeth whitening can have a significant influence on your life without breaking the bank. It is one of the least expensive cosmetic dental procedures. Dentists even offer a home teeth whitening and maintenance kit as an inexpensive booster.

  • It makes people appear healthier and more beautiful.

Even though white teeth aren’t always whiter and can range from creamy to slightly yellowish, people don’t associate them with being healthy. Whiter teeth typically indicate that an individual takes care of themselves and their teeth, which people find quite appealing.

  • One let down their guard more.

It’s natural to feel less cautious in social interactions with other people as one’s confidence increases. People unconsciously smile and laugh more, making them less self-conscious in a conversation. When you are carefree, people will start to appreciate your company.

  • It makes people look friendlier.

A smile makes one appear friendlier. However, a stronger and whiter smile can make people appear much more friendly. With whiter teeth, an individual will begin to smile more, which will tip the emotional scale in their favour whether they are at work or a party. It allows them to prosper in both professional and personal situations. Whiter teeth will make people more optimistic in life.


Aspen Dental is one of the best and top multi-specialty dental clinics in Gurgaon, known for its highly skilled dentists, state-of-the-art technology, and a wide range of dental services. The clinic offers various dental treatments, including tooth whitening, cosmetic dentistry, root canals, emergency dental care, and procedures aimed at saving one’s teeth.

The clinic’s priority is patient care, and ensuring that every patient visiting the clinic feels comfortable and well-informed throughout their dental procedures. If you’re interested in tooth whitening or want to inquire about the Root Canal Treatment Cost in Gurgaon, the experts at Aspen Dental are available to provide you with more information.

Feel free to get in touch with us for any dental problems or to schedule an appointment. Your dental health is our priority.

Read More: What To Do When The Tooth Is Knocked Out

Popular Dental Treatments in 2023

Dental care is essential for a healthy and beautiful smile. But due to factors like cavity, misaligned tooth structure, tartar and bleeding gums, etc. many adults and children are experiencing various issues. Foul smell, chewing problems, and sensitivity are some common issues caused by dental problems. However, the good part is that these dental issues are reversible through appropriate dental treatment. To do so, it is essential to learn about treatments.

Regarding this, a guide to popular dental treatments in 2023 has been prepared. Meanwhile insights to create this guide has been taken from experts of various dental care treatments including teeth whitening in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental clinic. So continue reading and learn about the best dental care treatment of 2023.

Latest Dental Treatments

Dental care treatments depending upon one’s requirement basis is classified into two broad categories; medical dentistry and cosmetic/aesthetic dentistry. Below mentioned are the treatment options available in these two categories:

A. Medical Dentistry

In general, medical dentistry is targeted to address the medical conditions related to the teeths. It include sub-categories:

  1. Dental Implant: It is a sophisticated method of restoring missing teeth. In order to act as artificial tooth roots, titanium posts are surgically inserted into the jawbone. These posts offer a sturdy base for mounting realistic artificial teeth, restoring both function and appearance. A durable and realistic-looking replacement for conventional dentures or bridges is dental implants.

2. Gum/Periodontitis Treatment: The goal of periodontal or gum treatment is to preserve healthy gum tissue. It includes techniques like scaling and root planing to get rid of tartar and plaque underneath the gum line. By halting tooth loss and reducing gum disease, this procedure improves oral health in general.

3. Restorative Dentistry: Restorative dentistry aims to repair damaged teeth. It includes treatments such as fillings, crowns, and bridges. These procedures restore the structural integrity of teeth, enhance functionality, and improve appearance while preventing further deterioration.

4. Pulpectomy: A pulpectomy is a root canal procedure performed to treat severe dental infections. It involves removing infected pulp tissue from the tooth’s interior, disinfecting the canal, and sealing it with a filling material. Pulpectomies save teeth from extraction and alleviate pain associated with dental infections.

B. Cosmetic/Aesthetic Dentistry: Cosmetic dentistry focuses on enhancing the appearance of teeth and smiles. These procedures address issues like staining, misalignment, and chipped teeth, resulting in a more aesthetically pleasing smile. Popular cosmetic treatments include teeth whitening, veneers, and bonding.

  1. Bonding: Dental bonding is a versatile cosmetic procedure. It involves the application of tooth-coloured resin as part of the flexible cosmetic process known as dental bonding to fix chips, fill in gaps, or contour teeth. It offers a low-cost, minimally intrusive method of enhancing the look of teeth.

2. Teeth Whitening: A non-invasive cosmetic procedure to lighten stained or discoloured teeth is teeth whitening. It can be completed in-office or at home with the use of products of the highest calibre, returning a young and lively smile.

3. Veneers: Thin porcelain shells that are manufactured to fit the front of teeth are known as veneers. They can alter the look of teeth by hiding flaws like stains, alignment issues, or irregular shape, resulting in a beautiful smile.

4. Gingival/Gum Plastic Surgery: The goal of gum plastic surgery is to enhance the gum tissue’s appearance. Particularly for people with excessive gum exposure or irregular gum lines, procedures like gum contouring can restructure the gums to create a more balanced and attractive smile.

In addition to above mentioned medical and cosmetic dentistry, orthodontist treatments are also in trend for treating misaligned teeth. Some of the popular braces to treat damaged tooth structure are as given below:

  1. Clear Braces: A discrete orthodontic alternative for straightening teeth is clear braces. They perform similarly to conventional metal braces but use less obvious transparent or tooth-coloured brackets and wires. This makes them a popular option for people who want a less noticeable procedure that nevertheless produces good teeth straightening outcomes.

For adults and teenagers who are concerned about the visual impact of braces, clear braces are very advantageous. They have a discreet appearance that mixes in with the teeth’s natural colour and give the benefits of traditional braces, like accurate tooth movement.

2. Invisalign Braces: Orthodontic treatment has undergone a revolution with the introduction of Invisalign braces. Invisalign uses a series of transparent, removable aligners constructed from a pleasant plastic material in place of conventional brackets and wires. The teeth are gradually moved into the desired position by these aligners.

The practically undetectable appearance of Invisalign is one of its main benefits, making it the perfect alternative for people looking for a highly discrete treatment solution. As an added convenience during treatment, Invisalign aligners are simple to take out for eating and oral hygiene.

3. Ceramic Braces: Similar to typical metal braces, ceramic braces use tooth-colored or translucent wires and brackets to make them less noticeable. They have a more aesthetically pleasing design and provide the same durability and effectiveness as metal braces.

People who need more intricate orthodontic adjustments but still want a discrete treatment option frequently choose for ceramic braces. Nevertheless, if not properly cared for, they could be a little bit more prone to discoloration, therefore good dental hygiene is crucial.

4. Metal Braces: Metal braces are the most traditional and widely recognized orthodontic option. They consist of metal brackets affixed to each tooth and connected by metal wires. Metal braces are exceptionally effective at correcting a wide range of dental misalignments, making them suitable for various orthodontic cases, from mild to severe.

They are also typically the most cost-effective option. While they are highly visible, some people embrace the opportunity to customise their metal braces with colourful bands for a more personalised appearance. Advances in metal braces have made them smaller and more comfortable than ever before, reducing potential discomfort during treatment.

Hope this guide has provided adequate information on the latest dental treatments. If something is uncovered, you are advised to visit a dentist. To find one in Delhi NCR you may visit Aspen Dental clinic. It is a leading dental care clinic highly considered for braces to dental implant and in-budget root canal treatment cost in Gurgaon. Do visit the clinic.

More Read: Root Canal Treatment: What No One Tells You!

Clear Braces-How Can They Make Your Smile Better?

Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon

Clear or ceramic braces are similar to typical metal braces but should be less noticeable. Brackets are translucent or tooth-colored material that blends in with the natural teeth. Ceramic or clear braces are made of ceramic alloys and are one of the best solutions for individuals looking for a modest approach to straightening their teeth.

Ceramic braces in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental are popular with people of all ages and backgrounds, but they are especially popular with professional dentists who are always on the go.

They prefer to realign their teeth discreetly so they can smile freely without being concerned about how they appear in photographs.

Are ceramic or clear braces hard to maintain?

Many people have concerns about the staining possibilities associated with clear ceramic braces. The beneficial aspect is that the brackets will not become stained. On the other hand, the clear bands that link the archwire to the frames are more susceptible to discoloration.

As these bands are replaced every few weeks, patients can have them replaced at their next appointment if they become stained.

Avoid dark and colored foods and drinks, such as dark soda, coffee, curry, and spaghetti sauce, to avoid staining the transparent bands. While eating, patients should clean their mouths with water or mouthwash for removing any food particles that could cause staining.

Ceramic clear braces should be stain-free if adequately cared for.

Are ceramic or clear braces the right choice for me?

In this blog Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental will discuss who can get clear braces treatment.

Ceramic braces have the same structure as metal braces, but the brackets are tooth-colored porcelain or clear, and the wire is either metal or tooth-colored for a more seamless appearance.

Ceramic braces are the best alternative for people who want the benefits of traditional braces but prefer a more discrete appearance.

They are also an ideal option for people who aren’t eligible for Invisalign but prefer a less visible teeth straightening solution. Adults will benefit the most from this treatment, as most adults avoid having their teeth straightened due to the unsightly appearance of metal braces. Ceramic braces, on the other hand, appear precisely like regular teeth and are entirely invisible from a distance.

Ceramic braces can help treat overbite difficulties, crowded teeth, and crooked teeth; however, they are inappropriate for specific misalignment situations or complex bite disorders. Ceramic braces are sturdier than metal braces and require more treatment time. In terms of cost, transparent braces are slightly more expensive than metal braces, while ceramic braces are roughly the same as Invisalign braces.

Benefits of Clear Braces

1. Invisibility

The most evident benefit of ceramic braces is their near-invisibility to others. They are unobtrusive because they are made of transparent, see-through, translucent material, making them practically invisible. They also have smaller brackets than standard metal brackets and can use colored wires to tension them.

As they are colored wires, they are incredibly discreet, and no one will notice if a person is wearing braces if they do not want them to. Adults find the braces intriguing because they can wear them to their offices and workplaces without awareness.

Many professionals like this aspect of braces since they do not want to be self-conscious about their smiles, as with traditional braces.

2. Strength

Ceramics may appear delicate because people have always treated them with care. However, when it comes to dental braces, ceramic braces are just as durable as metal braces because many features were considered while designing them with a variety of age groups in mind.

Although they are smaller and occupy less space on the front of the tooth, the ceramic used in the brackets is fine-grained, making it resistant to damage and function well during the treatment. The irritation is also reduced due to its revolutionary design, in which bracket corners are rounded off and smooth, preventing delicate tissues from being impacted.

3. Ceramic braces have no demineralization

The ceramic brackets are bonded to the teeth with a strong bonding agent, but extreme care has been taken to ensure that when the brackets are removed, the bond does not demineralize the teeth and that the teeth do not affect where the brackets were attached.

One of the negative effects of orthodontic treatment with metal braces is tooth demineralization. As because of the demineralization process between the enamel and the metal, metal brackets color the enamel. However, ceramic brackets cause the fewest changes in the tooth’s outermost layer.

4. Simple removal

When ceramic braces are removed after treatment, the teeth are not discolored, and the removal process is more accessible than traditional braces. Traditional braces’ bonding material has been replaced by improved bonding material that may be removed without hurting the tooth enamel.

When the bonding material used with metal brackets was released at the end of the treatment, it took a layer of enamel with it. The bonding substance used in ceramic brackets has been thoroughly investigated and standardized to have a negligible negative impact on tooth enamel. At all times, the bonding of brackets to teeth is protected by using high-grade bonding substances.

5. Comfort

Clear Braces in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental are more comfortable than typical metal braces because they include thinner brackets that practically cover the entire tooth’s front surface. Ceramic feels better in the mouth than conventional braces because the metallic color and feel are distinctive, like natural teeth and dental enamel.

6. Less likely to stain

Ceramic braces do not stain as quickly as their clear plastic predecessors. These are high-quality, well-designed mounts designed to maintain their appearance throughout treatment. It has been taken care of to treat them so that they do not stain themselves when eating or drinking anything. Do consult the orthodontist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental to learn more on this amazing teeth straightening treatment. Visit the clinic to learn more about the effective ways to align or straighten the teeth and learn more on the guide to correct the teeth to get them to the corrected position.

Everything To Know About Clear Braces

Ceramic braces, also referred to as clear braces, are a type of orthodontic treatment that has gained popularity recently. These braces are less noticeable and more aesthetically pleasing than traditional metal braces because they are made of a clear ceramic material that matches the color of the teeth naturally. If anyone is considering getting clear braces in Gurgaon, they can visit Aspen Dental Clinic.

Advantages of Clear Braces

  1. The fact that clear braces are less obvious than conventional metal braces is one of their main benefits. Since metal brackets and wires on their teeth make them feel self-conscious, many people are reluctant to get braces. This is no longer a problem with clear braces. Adults who want to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their braces frequently choose clear braces because the ceramic material used in them is much less obvious.
  1. The fact that clear braces are more comfortable than conventional metal braces is another advantage. The ceramic is less abrasive than metal, it will probably not irritate the inside of your mouth as much. Additionally, compared to metal brackets, the clear braces’ brackets are smoother and smaller, making them more comfortable to wear.
  1. In treating a variety of orthodontic problems, clear braces are also just as successful as conventional metal braces. They can be applied to fix overbites, underbites, gaps between teeth, and other misalignments, including crooked teeth. In fact, because clear braces are less invasive to the teeth and gums, some people may find them to be more effective than conventional metal braces.

Some Cons of Clear Braces

  1. When thinking about clear braces, it’s important to keep in mind that they are typically more expensive than conventional metal braces. As these braces are made of more expensive ceramic than metal, the total cost of care could be higher. The aesthetic advantages of clear braces, however, are valued highly by many people.
  1. Similar to conventional metal braces, ceramic braces secure the archwire with clear or white ligatures. Because the ligatures are tiny rubber bands with pores, they may stain. At every adjustment, they are modified.
  1. Ceramic braces are not advised for patients who require extensive treatment because they cannot withstand as much pressure as metal brackets can.

How should clear braces be maintained?

Cleaning traditional metal braces and cleaning clear braces are very similar. To make sure that one’s clear braces stay pristine and stain-free, there are a few things they should remember. The following tips are provided by the best dentist in Gurgaon, at Aspen Dental, for maintaining clear braces:

  1. Regular tooth brushing and flossing are important to keep plaque and food particles from building up around the braces. Brush the teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent chipping the enamel on the teeth or damaging the braces.
  1. Foods that can damage the braces or get stuck in the wires and brackets should be avoided. These include foods that are hard, sticky, and crunchy. Popcorn, hard candies, nuts, and chewing gum are a few examples. 
  1. After eating, rinse the mouth out with water or mouthwash to get rid of any food particles that may have remained and could stick to the braces.
  1. Use a waterpik to clean in between the teeth and braces. A waterpik is a handheld device that shoots a stream of water.
  1. If one has clear braces, avoid drinking stain-causing liquids, such as coffee, tea, and red wine. If one drinks one of these things, brush the teeth right away or immediately rinse the mouth with water.
  1. Attend the scheduled appointments with the orthodontist to ensure that the clear braces are working as intended and to discuss any adjustments that may be required.

By following these guidelines, one can make sure that the clear braces remain spotless throughout orthodontic treatment, stain-free, and functioning as intended. If one has any questions or concerns about maintaining the clear braces, they should be brought up to the orthodontist.


In conclusion, clear braces are a fantastic choice for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth without making a big deal out of it. They are equally effective at treating a variety of orthodontic problems as traditional metal braces, but they are less obvious, more comfortable, and less intrusive. The aesthetic advantages of clear braces, despite the fact that they might be more expensive than metal ones, are valued highly by many patients.

One should always ask the orthodontist if clear braces are a good option for them if they are thinking about getting orthodontic treatment. If searching for the best orthodontist in Gurgaon, one can visit Aspen Dental. 

The clinic offers effective dental treatments with top-notch techniques and equipment. Visit now!

Best Solution for Misaligned Teeth with Orthodontic Treatments

Best Orthodontist in Gurgaon

Orthodontics is a medial dental stream of misaligned teeth study. Medical experts in this stream are known as orthodontists. These orthodontists non-surgically deal with misaligned or crooked teeth and provide the best solutions. In respect of this, the top five treatments offered by the best orthodontist in Gurgaon at Aspen Dental Clinic are:

Traditional Metal Braces

Metal braces are universally the best solution for crowded and misaligned teeth. In the treatment, stainless steel-made metal braces align the teeth. Braces use stainless steel-made wire, brackets, and rubbers to pressure misaligned teeth. This tolerable pressure helps in teeth restructuring. 

Traditional metal braces are one to two years of treatment. And due to children’s developing age, orthodontists recommend this procedure for children between 8 to 12 years.     

Invisalign/Clear Aligners

A major drawback with metal braces is they are discomforting and look unusual. As a result, orthodontists discovered clear aligners. These teeth shapers are transparent, hence, unnoticeable by anyone. Since everyone has a unique size and shape of teeth, orthodontists measure one’s and customise transparent aligners accordingly.

Lingual Braces

Lingual braces are the inside braces. These custom-made metal braces are used on the inner layer of misaligned teeth. As a result, one does not need to compromise with natural appearances. And during the course of one to two years, lingual braces align the teeth gradually.

Self-Ligation System/ Fast Braces

Self Ligating braces are clear aligners with metal wires. The stainless steel wire supports the transparent brackets to treat misaligned teeth.

A major advantage of fast braces is that there is less friction between the wires, and the metal doors support teeth straightening. Additionally, smaller size metal doors and wires are helpful in hygiene. 

Ceramic Braces/ Clear Braces

Ceramic braces are the Invisalign made of ceramic. A major drawback with clear aligners is they are made of plastic. As a result, they may create harmful reactions while contacting high-tempted intake. Additional hygiene issues are also there with Invisalign. But these issues have been eliminated in clear braces. Ceramic braces, also known as sapphire ones, are less painful and high-quality.
However, many types of braces are there, but which is right for a particular misalignment can be identifiable by an orthodontics expert. So pay a visit to Aspen Dental Clinic and get the treatment of crowded, crooked, or misaligned teeth performed by the best dentist in Gurgaon. To book an appointment visit Aspen Dentals.

Invisalign Braces Treatment To Get A Straighter Smile

Invisalign is the best method for straightening teeth without interfering with a person’s daily activities. Clear Aligners and Invisalign are orthodontic appliances offered at Aspen Dental Clinic by the best orthodontist in Gurgaon, Dr. Ravneet Kaur. It helps to straighten teeth that are crooked or out of alignment.

Invisalign is a Clear Way to Get A Healthy Smile

Contrary to braces, where the metal brackets and wires may be seen, since Invisalign is clear, the candidate can always smile confidently. Since the material used to produce Invisalign aligners is flexible, it is a breeze to take them off and put them back on for eating, brushing, and flossing.

The disadvantages of conventional metal braces are avoided by using translucent, plastic Invisalign aligners, which straighten teeth. The advantages of undergoing an Invisalign treatment, which can solve several frequent dental issues, are discussed below:

1. Invisalign aligners provide treatment without the bulk of braces.

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible and removable for the best aesthetics and treatment comfort. As aligners are clear, no one can notice that you are wearing them. With Invisalign aligners, this worry typically vanishes. Many people worry that wearing metal braces will seem uncomfortable. There are no brackets that can break or wires that can pierce the gums. Cleaning after eating or drinking is now easier than ever, thanks to detachable aligners.

2. Invisalign’s clear aligners to get straighten teeth.

While the average length of therapy for braces is 18 months, Invisalign can straighten a person’s smile in about a year. Invisalign aligners can be used to fix a variety of conditions, including:

  1. Underbites
  2. Overbites
  3. Crossbites
  4. Gap teeth
  5. Open bites
  6. Crooked teeth
  7. Straighter teeth
  8. A mixture of primary and secondary teeth

To achieve the best results, patients should aim to wear their aligners for at least 20 hours each day.

3. Invisalign treatment lets an individual attain healthier teeth.

The importance of having a healthy set of teeth for overall health cannot be overstated. Misaligned teeth can result from a variety of causes, such as trauma, heredity, and thumb sucking. Several oral health problems can result from tooth misalignment, including:

  1. Uneven enamel
  2. Difficulty speaking and chewing
  3. Jaw pain
  4. Toothaches.

A healthy tongue can help a person have a higher quality of life and keep their body in excellent shape. An individual can improve their general health as well as the looks of their smile with Invisalign treatment.

4. Invisalign treatment is less noticeable.

 Managing hefty metal brackets and wires that may obscure a person’s moving smile is a part of traditional braces. The Invisalign aligners are hardly noticeable to anyone watching. Now, one can enjoy the advantages of straight teeth without having to put on less attractive metal braces. No food restrictions apply, and dental brushing is carried out as usual. One can observe their stunning grin while their teeth are realigned.

5. Less noticeable than metal braces.

 The thought of wearing metal brackets and cables makes many adults uneasy. The clear Invisalign aligners are almost invisible when worn, in contrast to traditional metal braces. Additionally, the aligners snugly adhere to the teeth, keeping them in position, preventing them from slipping, and attracting attention.

6. Removable to fit lifestyle.

Invisalign aligners are simple to remove, and a person can take them out whenever they choose. Patients should wear them for 20 to 22 hours each day to have optimum results. If they wear them for fewer hours than recommended, their therapy may become more challenging or complex. If someone removes their aligners, they can engage in the following activities without it affecting their treatment:

  1. Eating and drinking
  2. Brushing and flossing their teeth
  3. Cleaning your aligners
  4. Attending special events.

7. There is less discomfort and pain.

The Invisalign aligners are composed of a thin thermoplastic polymer that allows for a snug fit over the teeth. For improved comfort and appearance, the aligners are additionally trimmed along the gum line. Furthermore, since there are no metal brackets or cables, there is no possibility of breaking one, which would cause discomfort or suffering until it is fixed.

8. There are no dietary restrictions.

It is not necessary to stop eating foods that are hard or sticky in order to use Invisalign aligners. When using Invisalign, one can indulge in all of their preferred foods and beverages as long as they take off their aligners first.

In order to avoid germs or carbohydrates from becoming trapped between your teeth and your aligners, which could cause cavities, brush your teeth before putting them back in your mouth. Additionally, it removes food and beverage remains that are dark in color and might stain teeth and aligners.

9. Simple oral hygiene.

Invisalign aligners can be kept in good condition by cleaning them twice a day with a toothbrush and warm water. As an individual can take their aligners out, their oral hygiene routine must only include brushing and flossing. There won’t be a problem when working around metal brackets and wires, which can result in improper cleaning and tooth disease.

Note: As clear, Invisalign aligners are made of plastic. Heated beverages have the potential to deform them. Therefore, to preserve the alignment of the aligners and prevent them from warping, the candidate should limit their consumption of hot beverages while undergoing the procedure.

Why Choose Aspen Dental Clinic for Invisalign treatment?

Aspen Dental, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon features iTero® Scanner, a cutting-edge digital imprint device that removes the need for messy putty impressions. The Scanner digitally takes a 3D model of the teeth and gums in extreme detail. Unfortunately, this technique is far more pleasant than conventional impressions and quicker and can provide an instantaneous analysis that produces the desired result.

Interested in this procedure and want to know more about Invisalign Braces Treatment Cost in Gurgaon? Consult the experts now at Aspen Dental Clinic today!

Transform Smile With Dental Implant Surgery


In the past, bridges and removable dentures were used to replace missing teeth. These dentures caused potential damage to healthy neighboring teeth and were often difficult to maintain and even required regular maintenance. With today’s technology, doctors can replace a tooth with long-lasting dental implant treatment offered at Aspen Dental.

The best part of dental implants is that they do not require the grinding down of any healthy teeth to fix them, help avoid the bone loss that can frequently happen after the teeth loss, and implants look just like natural teeth and can last for the lifetime of provided with proper care.

To provide a clearer perspective, the dental implant expert at Aspen Dental Clinic, best dental clinic in Gurgaon, has provided detailed insights on dental implants and how they can help one to achieve a healthy and confident smile.. 

  Why are dental implants popular nowadays?

Dental implants act as the roots of tooth loss and are surgically inserted into the jawbone. The implants won’t slip, produce noise, or harm the bone in a way permanent bridgework or dentures might since the titanium in them fuses with one’s jaw.

The kind of implant used and the health of the jawbone will determine how the procedure is carried out. Multiple procedures may be integrated in the surgery. The main advantage of implants is reliable stability for new teeth, which mandates that the bone around the implant heals properly. It might take awhile for the bones to recover. 


  • Offer tooth replacement that is permanent
  • Restores appearance and functionality to normal and protects the remaining bones.
  • Prevents the drooping appearance of the face caused by tooth loss
  • Doesn’t impact the surrounding teeth, helping to preserve the dental structure.

Ideal Candidates for Dental Implants Surgery-

  • Losing one or more teeth
  • Avoid using tobacco.
  • Possess a jawbone that has fulfilled its growing
  • Possess sufficient anchor to bone the implants 
  • Possess appropriate oral tissues
  • Don’t have any health problems that could interfere with bone healing
  • Who cannot or will not wear dentures
  • Are prepared to devote a few months to the procedure.

Preparation Before Dental Implants-

  • Comprehensive dental examination. Dental X-rays, 3D photographs, and models of the teeth and jaw may be created.
  • Reviewing the medical background. Any medical issues one may have, along with any prescription, OTC, and dietary supplement use, should be discussed with the doctor.
  • The doctor might advise antibiotics prior to surgery in order to prevent contamination if one has certain cardiac issues or orthopedic implants.
  • The plan of treatment is customized for one’s needs,  how many teeth need to be restored, and the health of the jaw and existing teeth.

Note: During surgery, local or general anesthesia is given to managing pain. Depending on the type of anesthesia administered, the dental care team will advise one on what to eat and drink before the surgery. 

Choosing Suitable Implants-

Additional imprints are taken of the mouth and residual teeth once the gums have healed. The crown, the artificial tooth that appears normal, is made using these impressions. The jawbone must be healthy enough to sustain the function of the new tooth before the crown can be fitted.

  • Fixed: This method involves the permanent attachment of a prosthetic tooth via screws or cement to a particular implant site. The tooth cannot be taken out for cleaning or while sleeping. Each crown is normally affixed to a separate dental implant. However, if multiple teeth are bridged together, one implant can replace all of them due to sturdiness.
  • Removal: This kind comes in partial and complete dentures and is comparable to a traditional removable denture. It has pink plastic gum around white fake teeth. It snaps firmly into place and is fixed on a metal frame that is connected to the implant abutment. It is simple to remove for maintenance or regular cleaning.
  • Delayed or Immediate Loading: The tooth on top of the implant is often only provided after the fixture has been in the bone for 3 months to integrate with the bone, but because of new improvements in implantology, implants can now be loaded immediately. With this technique, patients can start using their new tooth the day following the implant fixation or within a week.

After Surgery Care-

  • Regardless of whether one undergoes dental implant surgery in one or more stages, one could feel some standard discomforts including:   
  • Swelling of face and gums
  • Bruising of gums and skin 
  • Minimal bleeding
  • Post surgery, one may need painkillers and antibiotics


Dental implants are often effective. If performed by an expert the surgery offers the best outcomes. If the bone doesn’t properly fuse, the implant is taken out, the area is cleaned up, and the surgery can be repeated in approximately three months. 
One can get an expert consultation at Aspen Dental to know more about dental implant cost in Gurgaon.

Best Cosmetic Dentistry in Gurgaon


Get the benefits of the best cosmetic dentistry treatments to enhance the appearance of teeth or gums with the best and state-of-the-art cosmetic dental treatments offered by the expert dentist at Aspen Dental. These treatments primarily focus on improving dental aesthetics in color, size, shape, alignment, position, and smile appearance. There is no reason not to have a perfect smile. Cosmetic dentistry offered at Aspen Dental involves safe and affordable means to improve the appearance of the patient’s natural smile. 

In Gurgaon, Aspen Dental has one of the most advanced resources and technology for delivering the best services for Cosmetic Dentistry in Gurgaon. The team of professional dentists at Aspen Dental provides patients with all types of cosmetic dental treatment and helps them achieve a beautiful smile. To get the benefits book a visit today!

Contact Now:

Address: SPO 223, 2nd floor Office block DLF South Point Mall, Golf Course Road, Sector 53, Gurugram, 122011

Mo No: +91-9667775530

Ph No: 0124-7177193E: aspendentals@gmail.com