Everything To Know About Clear Braces

Ceramic braces, also referred to as clear braces, are a type of orthodontic treatment that has gained popularity recently. These braces are less noticeable and more aesthetically pleasing than traditional metal braces because they are made of a clear ceramic material that matches the color of the teeth naturally. If anyone is considering getting clear braces in Gurgaon, they can visit Aspen Dental Clinic.

Advantages of Clear Braces

  1. The fact that clear braces are less obvious than conventional metal braces is one of their main benefits. Since metal brackets and wires on their teeth make them feel self-conscious, many people are reluctant to get braces. This is no longer a problem with clear braces. Adults who want to straighten their teeth without drawing attention to their braces frequently choose clear braces because the ceramic material used in them is much less obvious.
  1. The fact that clear braces are more comfortable than conventional metal braces is another advantage. The ceramic is less abrasive than metal, it will probably not irritate the inside of your mouth as much. Additionally, compared to metal brackets, the clear braces’ brackets are smoother and smaller, making them more comfortable to wear.
  1. In treating a variety of orthodontic problems, clear braces are also just as successful as conventional metal braces. They can be applied to fix overbites, underbites, gaps between teeth, and other misalignments, including crooked teeth. In fact, because clear braces are less invasive to the teeth and gums, some people may find them to be more effective than conventional metal braces.

Some Cons of Clear Braces

  1. When thinking about clear braces, it’s important to keep in mind that they are typically more expensive than conventional metal braces. As these braces are made of more expensive ceramic than metal, the total cost of care could be higher. The aesthetic advantages of clear braces, however, are valued highly by many people.
  1. Similar to conventional metal braces, ceramic braces secure the archwire with clear or white ligatures. Because the ligatures are tiny rubber bands with pores, they may stain. At every adjustment, they are modified.
  1. Ceramic braces are not advised for patients who require extensive treatment because they cannot withstand as much pressure as metal brackets can.

How should clear braces be maintained?

Cleaning traditional metal braces and cleaning clear braces are very similar. To make sure that one’s clear braces stay pristine and stain-free, there are a few things they should remember. The following tips are provided by the best dentist in Gurgaon, at Aspen Dental, for maintaining clear braces:

  1. Regular tooth brushing and flossing are important to keep plaque and food particles from building up around the braces. Brush the teeth at least twice a day and floss once a day. Use fluoride toothpaste and a soft-bristled toothbrush to prevent chipping the enamel on the teeth or damaging the braces.
  1. Foods that can damage the braces or get stuck in the wires and brackets should be avoided. These include foods that are hard, sticky, and crunchy. Popcorn, hard candies, nuts, and chewing gum are a few examples. 
  1. After eating, rinse the mouth out with water or mouthwash to get rid of any food particles that may have remained and could stick to the braces.
  1. Use a waterpik to clean in between the teeth and braces. A waterpik is a handheld device that shoots a stream of water.
  1. If one has clear braces, avoid drinking stain-causing liquids, such as coffee, tea, and red wine. If one drinks one of these things, brush the teeth right away or immediately rinse the mouth with water.
  1. Attend the scheduled appointments with the orthodontist to ensure that the clear braces are working as intended and to discuss any adjustments that may be required.

By following these guidelines, one can make sure that the clear braces remain spotless throughout orthodontic treatment, stain-free, and functioning as intended. If one has any questions or concerns about maintaining the clear braces, they should be brought up to the orthodontist.


In conclusion, clear braces are a fantastic choice for anyone who wants to straighten their teeth without making a big deal out of it. They are equally effective at treating a variety of orthodontic problems as traditional metal braces, but they are less obvious, more comfortable, and less intrusive. The aesthetic advantages of clear braces, despite the fact that they might be more expensive than metal ones, are valued highly by many patients.

One should always ask the orthodontist if clear braces are a good option for them if they are thinking about getting orthodontic treatment. If searching for the best orthodontist in Gurgaon, one can visit Aspen Dental. 

The clinic offers effective dental treatments with top-notch techniques and equipment. Visit now!

Root Canal Treatment For Saving a Damaged Tooth

Want to protect infected teeth from falling out or being extracted?

The central portion of the tooth contains soft pulp tissues that are supplied with all nutrients and is also connected to the tooth nerves or roots. In some people, tooth decay may occur due to the invasion of bacteria and accumulation of food debris, and this further extends to the pulp chamber, causing damage to the pulp. Such a damaged or infected tooth can be saved from loss by undergoing a root canal treatment.

Root canal treatment is performed to save the teeth in critical conditions and helps to avoid unnecessary extractions. Many people worry that root canal treatment will be painful, but with modern technologies and anaesthetic options, the root canal treatment performed by the dentist of Aspen Dental Clinic, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon, is a pain-free procedure. The treatment removes inflamed and infected pulp from the inside of a tooth and help to save the natural tooth/teeth.

Signs for the need for a root canal treatment:

A person that has been experiencing the following symptoms may have to undergo root canal treatment:

  • An extreme toothache
  • Swollen gums
  • Prolonged sensitivity
  • Discoloration of tooth
  • Tooth bleeding
  • Pain while chewing tooth
  • The persistent development of pimples on the gum line.

Why is a root canal treatment required?

A root canal is performed to address the following dental issues:

  • Deep cavity (extended to tooth pulp)
  • Abscess
  • Rupturing of the tooth nerve due to trauma or dental injury
  • Fractured tooth
  • To remove inflamed tooth nerve because of frequent dental procedures.

How is root canal treatment performed?

  • The dentist takes X-rays of the entire teeth set to know if there is any bone infection or a cavity close to the tooth nerve.
  • To make the overall procedure painless and comfortable, the dentist injects local anesthesia on the tooth to be treated and places a rubber dam around the numb tooth.
  • The hole created in the denture is assessed, and through it, the infected pulp chambers are removed. In some cases, an opening might be made in the tooth to be treated. It is further properly cleaned by using a disinfectant (sodium hypochlorite) solution and irrigated with a saline solution.
  • Different sizes of fine silver files are used to remove the tooth pulp and to shape out a space for tooth filling.
  • Dental filling of the root canal is done to seal the treated tooth with a rubber compound (guttapercha) and avoid the reoccurrence of bacterial growth as well as its spread to nearby tissues. It is carried out either on the same day, or the opening is filled with temporary materials and followed by a permanent one on the second visit to a doctor for crowning.
  • Crowning (or capping) may be done post-root canal treatment to cover the tooth and prevent its further damage. Firstly, a metallic post is inserted into the gum to support the crown, which is later cemented onto the rebuilt tooth.

Benefits of root canal treatment:

  • Save the natural teeth.
  • Get rid of pain and infection in the mouth.
  • Provide relief from inflammation in the tooth pulp.
  • Pain-free procedure.
  • Help patients to save their natural smiles.
  • With proper dental hygiene, root canals last for a lifetime.

No one wants to be toothless. Go for root canal treatment at Aspen Dental to preserve the natural teeth. All the treatments are performed by expert dentists at Aspen Dental. For more information about Root Canal Treatment Cost in Gurgaon, book an appointment today!

Invisalign Braces Treatment To Get A Straighter Smile

Invisalign is the best method for straightening teeth without interfering with a person’s daily activities. Clear Aligners and Invisalign are orthodontic appliances offered at Aspen Dental Clinic by the best orthodontist in Gurgaon, Dr. Ravneet Kaur. It helps to straighten teeth that are crooked or out of alignment.

Invisalign is a Clear Way to Get A Healthy Smile

Contrary to braces, where the metal brackets and wires may be seen, since Invisalign is clear, the candidate can always smile confidently. Since the material used to produce Invisalign aligners is flexible, it is a breeze to take them off and put them back on for eating, brushing, and flossing.

The disadvantages of conventional metal braces are avoided by using translucent, plastic Invisalign aligners, which straighten teeth. The advantages of undergoing an Invisalign treatment, which can solve several frequent dental issues, are discussed below:

1. Invisalign aligners provide treatment without the bulk of braces.

Invisalign aligners are nearly invisible and removable for the best aesthetics and treatment comfort. As aligners are clear, no one can notice that you are wearing them. With Invisalign aligners, this worry typically vanishes. Many people worry that wearing metal braces will seem uncomfortable. There are no brackets that can break or wires that can pierce the gums. Cleaning after eating or drinking is now easier than ever, thanks to detachable aligners.

2. Invisalign’s clear aligners to get straighten teeth.

While the average length of therapy for braces is 18 months, Invisalign can straighten a person’s smile in about a year. Invisalign aligners can be used to fix a variety of conditions, including:

  1. Underbites
  2. Overbites
  3. Crossbites
  4. Gap teeth
  5. Open bites
  6. Crooked teeth
  7. Straighter teeth
  8. A mixture of primary and secondary teeth

To achieve the best results, patients should aim to wear their aligners for at least 20 hours each day.

3. Invisalign treatment lets an individual attain healthier teeth.

The importance of having a healthy set of teeth for overall health cannot be overstated. Misaligned teeth can result from a variety of causes, such as trauma, heredity, and thumb sucking. Several oral health problems can result from tooth misalignment, including:

  1. Uneven enamel
  2. Difficulty speaking and chewing
  3. Jaw pain
  4. Toothaches.

A healthy tongue can help a person have a higher quality of life and keep their body in excellent shape. An individual can improve their general health as well as the looks of their smile with Invisalign treatment.

4. Invisalign treatment is less noticeable.

 Managing hefty metal brackets and wires that may obscure a person’s moving smile is a part of traditional braces. The Invisalign aligners are hardly noticeable to anyone watching. Now, one can enjoy the advantages of straight teeth without having to put on less attractive metal braces. No food restrictions apply, and dental brushing is carried out as usual. One can observe their stunning grin while their teeth are realigned.

5. Less noticeable than metal braces.

 The thought of wearing metal brackets and cables makes many adults uneasy. The clear Invisalign aligners are almost invisible when worn, in contrast to traditional metal braces. Additionally, the aligners snugly adhere to the teeth, keeping them in position, preventing them from slipping, and attracting attention.

6. Removable to fit lifestyle.

Invisalign aligners are simple to remove, and a person can take them out whenever they choose. Patients should wear them for 20 to 22 hours each day to have optimum results. If they wear them for fewer hours than recommended, their therapy may become more challenging or complex. If someone removes their aligners, they can engage in the following activities without it affecting their treatment:

  1. Eating and drinking
  2. Brushing and flossing their teeth
  3. Cleaning your aligners
  4. Attending special events.

7. There is less discomfort and pain.

The Invisalign aligners are composed of a thin thermoplastic polymer that allows for a snug fit over the teeth. For improved comfort and appearance, the aligners are additionally trimmed along the gum line. Furthermore, since there are no metal brackets or cables, there is no possibility of breaking one, which would cause discomfort or suffering until it is fixed.

8. There are no dietary restrictions.

It is not necessary to stop eating foods that are hard or sticky in order to use Invisalign aligners. When using Invisalign, one can indulge in all of their preferred foods and beverages as long as they take off their aligners first.

In order to avoid germs or carbohydrates from becoming trapped between your teeth and your aligners, which could cause cavities, brush your teeth before putting them back in your mouth. Additionally, it removes food and beverage remains that are dark in color and might stain teeth and aligners.

9. Simple oral hygiene.

Invisalign aligners can be kept in good condition by cleaning them twice a day with a toothbrush and warm water. As an individual can take their aligners out, their oral hygiene routine must only include brushing and flossing. There won’t be a problem when working around metal brackets and wires, which can result in improper cleaning and tooth disease.

Note: As clear, Invisalign aligners are made of plastic. Heated beverages have the potential to deform them. Therefore, to preserve the alignment of the aligners and prevent them from warping, the candidate should limit their consumption of hot beverages while undergoing the procedure.

Why Choose Aspen Dental Clinic for Invisalign treatment?

Aspen Dental, the best dental clinic in Gurgaon features iTero® Scanner, a cutting-edge digital imprint device that removes the need for messy putty impressions. The Scanner digitally takes a 3D model of the teeth and gums in extreme detail. Unfortunately, this technique is far more pleasant than conventional impressions and quicker and can provide an instantaneous analysis that produces the desired result.

Interested in this procedure and want to know more about Invisalign Braces Treatment Cost in Gurgaon? Consult the experts now at Aspen Dental Clinic today!

Advantages of Dental Implants Treatment

Dental implants are a type of root replicas that are effectively used to replace the missing teeth. The implants offer a permanent solution to replace the missing teeth and improve the mouth mastication functions. They also provide strong support to the teeth and also upgrade ones oral health. In this procedure, a titanium screw is used to replace the root of the tooth. It is then placed in the jawbone, just like the tooth root. Aspen Dental has a team of best dentist in Gurgaon who perform effective and advanced dental treatments for maintaining the oral health of patients. Dental implants are considered safe, advanced, and well-established treatment that prevents the healthy bone from deterioration

Advantages of dental implants treatment include:

Prevent bone loss: When an individual loses teeth, then it is likely that the individual also tends to lose bone mass in the jaw. The jaw bone in the empty space deteriorates due to a lack of stimulation. The implant must be placed in the first year of losing teeth as the bone area loses some volume. Hence, implants replace the root as well as the tooth and help in restoring normal chewing. Dental implants are not only a replacement option that replaces the jaw bone stimulation but also helps in preventing bone loss.

Matches like natural teeth: Dental implants come in different shapes and sizes. The implant will match the color of the surrounding teeth, and it fits perfectly in the gap. Dental implants help in restoring full chewing power. The function of the implant matches completely to the normal teeth. Dental implants hold all the property of normal teeth and can be brushed and flossed normally. Dental implants are designed to look, feel, and function like natural teeth.

Dental implants last lifetime: The other methods of replacing missing teeth do not provide long-lasting results, whereas dental implants last a lifetime. The implants are made from titanium and integrate with the jawbone. This is bio-compatible, which means it is non-toxic and causes no harm to the mouth and jaw. Dental implants fix well and there is no risk of rejection. Dental implants are a powerful tooth replacement option. With proper care and maintenance, implants last as long as conventional restorations on teeth and also provide a natural appearance. Dental implants provide a dramatic improvement in chewing ability, teeth stability, and overall comfort. The results of dental implants last for a lifetime without any complications.

Dental implants improve facial and bone features: Missing teeth cause a person’s face to sag, and an  individual experiences premature aging effects. Facial sagging is an unwanted effect of bone loss, which mostly occurs due to missing teeth. Due to this, the lower face starts to collapse and gradually closes the distance between the tip of the nose and chin. Dental implants help retain facial structures, leading to a fuller face and restore a youthful appearance. Implants helps in restoring the jawbone structure because they reduce the load on the oral structures.

Dental implants keep adjacent teeth stable: Due to missing teeth, there is a gap that causes adjacent teeth to crookedly shift towards the gap. Due to this space, the adjacent teeth are pulled out of position, and it can affect the bite, ability to chew, and even the appearance. To prevent misalignment, dental implants fill the gap and allow an individual to have a straight and even smile. Dental implants fit securely into the jawbone because they fuse with the bone and provide support to the adjacent teeth.

Dental implants help in maintaining oral health, and implants further prevent the occurrence of oral cavity in future. Dental implants are easy to care for as individuals can follow normal dental hygiene routines like brushing, flossing, and regular dental check-ups, etc. For dental implant treatment at affordable cost in Gurgaon, one can visit Aspen Dental, where the best team of dentists provides the best treatment using latest technology. This clinic provides a holistic treatment plan which provides effective results.

Dental implants have a huge success rate as they give predictable outcomes and are suitable for majority of people. A dental implant is a surgical procedure and is performed under the effect of anesthesia to eliminate discomfort. The success of this depends on implants’ position in the mouth and on the doctor’s experience. An individual who has undergone a  dental implant/s must stop smoking as it can hamper the results.

Aspen Dental has a team of well-trained dentists who cater to the requirements of the patient. All dental treatments are performed under the supervision of expert dentists. Get in touch with Aspen Dental to get treatment from the best dentist and orthodontist in Gurgaon. The advanced treatment procedures help to stimulate and maintain healthy jaw bone and restore facial features. Visit today!